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January is known as a difficult month, and with the ongoing cost of living crisis causing worry for many, every little helps. Image: Unsplash/Peter Bond This article is part of: World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Listen to the article 7 min listenTo celebrate the launch of the new 'Feed the Family' deal, we've teamed up with Greene King to give you the chance to win £200 to spend at any Greene King pub across the country. The average annual cost of a child re-entering care after a failed return home is £61,614, compared with supporting the child and their family on their return home costing on average £5,627.Davos 2022 Cost of living: This chart shows how the price of products has risen in the US An economist has warned that the US is on the verge of a 'cost of living' crisis due to rapid inflation. A mom has been dragged online for sharing the ongoing argument she is having with her mother-in-law over her son being dressed in "girly" clothing. She wrote: "Not meant to be inflammatory at all. Posting on Mumsnet, the unnamed woman questioned if it would really impact most people and took issue with the use of the word "crisis". A woman has been criticised for appearing to downplay the cost of living crisis.

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I'm well aware of the hardships that some people and families will face. A woman has been criticised for appearing to downplay the cost of living crisis. The worsening cost of living crisis has focused attention on the cost of the weekly shop.

  • Tue 01.00 EST Last modified on Tue 05.22 EST.
  • New research by parenting website Mumsnet found a 31 per cent drop in the number of people who plan to donate to food banks over the festive .Feb 8, 2022

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    To get the first Cost of Living Payment of £326, you must have been entitled to a payment (or later found to be entitled to a payment) of Universal Credit for an ….

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